iCARE seeks to substantially improve access to care for people living with diabetes in Sub-Saharan Africa. The long-term initiative leverages Novo Nordisk’s presence in the region to address gaps in diabetes care by working in partnership with local actors.

Capacity builds the capability of healthcare professionals across the region to manage diabetes through various education activities.


Affordability develops sustainable and affordable solutions to support vulnerable people living with diabetes with accessing the insulin they depend on.


Reach seeks to identify and establish a robust supply chain to ensure that our medicines reach those who need them.


Empowerment enriches people living with diabetes with the knowledge that enables better self-management of their condition.


Disrupt the complex supply value chain by leveraging direct-to-consumer digital platforms and achieving last-mile delivery with allied partners.

MyDawa e-pharmacy in Kenya has resulted in a 30% price reduction

Simplify the complex and expensive supply chain.

Develop a future sustainable supply chain that ensures availability and reduces CO2 emissions related to the supply of Novo Nordisk products across sub-Saharan Africa.